Wow, you ok, Jeff? The purpose of this article wasn’t to point fingers at Apple or enter some kind of needlessly angry exchange, mate. This is a laptop, not a football team.
My point is that the battery life during ‘real-world’ usage (which is absolutely subjective and different for everyone) isn’t in line with the lofty claims of reviewers. And I was one of those reviewers.
When you start using this laptop, and by that I mean straying beyond Apple’s stock apps and into the realm of those which aren’t quite as considerate of the battery, the battery life starts to get pretty normal. Which is fine and completely to be expected. It’s more a reality check than anything else. As noted in my article, the real star of the show is the standby time, which is epic and has a genuinely positive impact on my (and, I suspect, others’) day. I love this laptop – it’s a game changer.
Chill, mate; I love debating this stuff, but I’d rather do so like adults – I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t approach a stranger with that response in person. I’ll respect any opinion you have, but you’ve seemingly failed to offer me one in your response.